Bookkeeping Kit

The Bookkeeping Kit is intended to be able to pass an audit with your receipts and expanded check registers.

  • There 5 sets of documents
    • Chart of Accounts (Ex: Service, Inventory, Digital industries)Blank Registers (Ex: Cash, Pers./Bus. Checking, Pers./Bus. credit cards)Blank Recurring Transaction Sheet (for monthly/annual charges)Blank Income Statements (monthly & annual)
    • Blank Bank Reconciliation Sheet
  • The process:
    • Use chart of accounts to write on each receipt and log in the registers
    • Add up the receipts to input the monthly income statements
    • Add up the monthly income statements to get the annual income statement (for tax purposes)
  • How do you pass an audit?
    • Always keep the registers, they will serve as your general ledger
    • File all receipts and statements by month, they will serve as your audit trail

Generic templates are provided. Please book a consultation if you would like these to be customized to your business.

This Bookkeeping Kit can also work with Microsoft Excel and/or an accounting software, such as QuickBooks. Please book a consultation if you would your business to be setup in your accounting system, to work alongside this Bookkeeping Kit.